It is strange how I will often reflect on the small things in my life up to this point. I don't really think about the big, significant moments, but the small things, the secret pains, the times I cried and no one understood, the times I smiled and no one understood, the small moments that so reflect who a person is that my eyes are lit with wonder. I think of the people I know so well, and the times that they probably don't remember, but I hold close because secretly, they mean a lot to me.
On another note, today was a nice day. It was beautiful out, and Aurelija -- have I mentioned her? She's my roommate and friend. She's wonderful. -- and I went out and ate banannas by the river. We got to know eachother just a little bit better.

Here is a snipet of Aurelija's interesting life:
- She graduated from art school.
- She has one sister who is two years older than she is.
- She worked at a coffee shop and skate park in London this summer.
- She uses the word "interesting" a lot, a lot, a lot.
- She got to paint on a wall in Klaipeda.
- She was a scout for 5 years.
Aurelija is really the sweetest girl, and I could not have been paired with a better person to live with. She took care of me when I was sick the first week of classes, and we stay up late to talk -- my favorite! She makes me laugh, and she looks at life thoughtfully. We're going to Sweden in October, and I just cannot wait to travel with her!
Anyway, after we ate our bananas, we went to this Tai restaurant because she had to interview the owner for her class - Business Research Methods. I was actually kind of giddy to be there, because I got really excited to pick out words I knew, like:
studentas (can you guess what it means?)
skaito (read)
kalbu (speak)
neziunau (i don't know)
Even though I hear my roommates talk in Lithuanian on a regular basis, it was kind of cool to watch a whole conversation exclusively in Lithuanian. Also, we got free tea! Perfect! So then we were walking home, and decided to stop in this tall building to go up the elevator to look over Klaipeda. It was getting dark, and was kind of foggy, so no good photos, but just beautiful, beautiful view. On the other side was the sea, but the other side was a restaurant, so we just took a quick peak and went back down.
When we got back, our hall was making muffins, which was just great. We also decided it was about time that we actually made the apple pie/cake that we had been telling eachother we'd make for our friend Jared's birthday ... which was last Thursday. So we finally made it, and he was very happy -- despite the slightly flustered look in this photo...

Well, the point is, I am learning so much from Aurelija, and we get along so well. I am so grateful for her and to her. She has been the gem of the trip so far. Besides the opera of Sunday. :)
And the appel cake/pie was delicious!