8:30 Introductory German I
9:45 Teaching English as an International Language (!)
11:00 Non-Violent Social Movements
12:15 Cross Cultural Seminar
1:30 Introductory Lithuanian I
2:45 Introduction to the Bible I
3:00-7:15 Marriage and Family
Tuesday & Thursday:
8:30 American Literature
Wednesday and Friday:
8:30 Introductory German I
9:45 Teaching English as an International Language
11:00 Non-Violent Social Movements
1:30 Introductory Lithuanian I
2:45 Introduction to the Bible I
It has been a joy to start learning other languages again! One of the things we have learned to say on the first days is what language(s) we speak. Of course, as we go around most people's answers sound like this:
"Halo. Meine name ist Ilya. Ich komme aus Ukraine. Ich sprechen Ukrainisch, Russisch, Englisch, und ein bisschen Weisrussich und Lietuanisch."
In other words, "Hello. My name is Elijah. I am from Ukraine. I speak Ukrainian, Russian, English, and a bit of Bellarussian and Lithuanian."
Of course, my language would look something like this: "Ich sprechen Englisch."
People would immediately notice the difference. So I would throw in "und ein bisschen Spanisch." It made me feel a little bit better about life. When I come home, I will be able to say,
Halo. Meine name ist Diana. Ich komme aus America. Ich sprechen Englisch, Duetsch, Lietuanisch.
Labas! As vardas Diana. As gyvenu America. As kalba angliskai, vokiskai, ir lietuviskai.