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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My hair is longer.
My time is shorter.
My eyes are wider.
My heart is heavier.
My day is yesterday.
My notebook is full.
My glue is half-empty.
My pages are long.
My time is now.


  1. I like this poem. And all thoughts and memories that fall behind the few words. There are two lines that I am not sure what they exactly mean and at the same time contrast each other: My day is yesterday and my time is now...Can you explain a little bit what did you mean with these lines?

  2. i think that the first one is talking about what you said today about wishing for what is in the past. And the last line, which contrasts, like you noticed :) is finding that balance between reflection (which is good), contentment (which is good), and movement forward (which is good). Too much of any one of those is unbalanced, but I think we need all three.
